Your partner in incontinence expertise,

    A complete range of innovative incontinence products to ensure optimal skin health for women, men and caregiving relatives.

    Two women laugh while having a conversation over a washing line.

    Let's talk about women and purpose-made products

    The majority of women with bladder weakness don't use incontinence products - yet. And there lies the potential to both increase the quality of life for women and increase business growth for pharmacies.

    • 78% of women with bladder weakness are not using incontinence products yet1.
    • 80% of women view fitness, mental health and well-being as one2.

    The opportunity for pharmacists

    Pharmacists can help women discover effective, stylish and discreet incontinence products that suit their needs. By doing so pharmacists can strengthen their position as a health hub for advice, expertise and product knowledge. 

    • 33% of women would consider their pharmacist instead of their doctor for health advice3.

    Our range, your expertise

    • Strengthens your position as a health hub for women

    • Drives frequent shoppers to the pharmacy

    • Provides a great possibility to build loyalty

    • Creates opportunities for cross-selling

    • Helps you maximize the potential of incontinence products

    Sound interesting? Get in touch!

    We'd love to have a chat about how we can become your partner in incontinence expertise.

    Contact us


    1) IPSOS Brand health tracking, BCU 2017

    2) J.Walter Thompson Intelligence. (2017). The Well Economy 

    3) Healthwatch England. (2015). Would you use a pharmacist instead of visiting your GP for advice. Healthwatch England News and Reports