Interview: Three future-proof solutions for preserving wellness
A closer look at ground-breaking solutions by TENA for addressing tomorrow’s challenges in elderly care – with Axel Nordberg, PhD, Essity’s Global Director of Digital Solutions
A closer look at ground-breaking solutions by TENA for addressing tomorrow’s challenges in elderly care – with Axel Nordberg, PhD, Essity’s Global Director of Digital Solutions
Axel heads up our iQ Solutions department, responsible for innovating and commercializing digital solutions for incontinence. In this interview, Axel introduces three remarkable TENA innovations designed with tomorrow’s challenges in mind: TENA SmartCare, TENA Identifi, and TENA Solutions.
Less intrusion and disturbance. Greater dignity and privacy.
TENA SmartCare is a new and revolutionary digital solution to improve incontinence care. It’s available both for family carers and for professional caregivers in nursing homes.
It’s an easy-to-use system where you place the sensor on the outside of the absorbent product. It sends an easy notification on an app on a smartphone, and the caregiver knows when to change the product. Then you move the sensor to the next product. So it’s completely reusable; we’re not creating daily electronic waste.
The benefits of this solution are many. For the loved one in a family home, it means a more dignified care. Less intrusion and less disturbance during midnight sleep, for example. In a nursing home, it’s also less spending time in a product nearing saturation.
And if you take the caregiver perspective, a family caregiver gets reassurance of good care and can easily plan other tasks, knowing that your loved one is in good hands. For a professional caregiver, knowing when to change helps you to use the right products at the right time, and also to spend your time where it’s most valuable.
And of course, from a payer perspective, this has the potential to reduce the overall spending on incontinence care.
All of these benefits are beneficial for the environment and have an impact on society at large because spending your time at the right activity creates value. Using the products in the right way and at the right time also helps reduce overall consumption, which lowers our carbon footprint.
Let one of our representatives get in touch to discuss your needs and how TENA can help.
For better planning and more individualized care.
TENA Identifi is a world-leading digital solution for continence assessment. Using an absorbent product with built-in sensors, TENA Identify tracks the voiding over 72 hours, creating an in-depth report of voiding patterns and volumes. With this information, the caretaker can more easily make an individualized care plan.
TENA Identifi has been very well received by many nursing homes. In fact, in 2018 one nursing home received the Best Patient Safety award from their municipality. We also hear that it really provides value in terms of better wellbeing and allows caregivers to use the products more optimally, meaning they can spend time on things that really provide value.
We’ve seen in several cases that TENA Identifi reduces waste. In different countries that the figure is somewhat similar, with up to 35% waste reduction. That mainly comes from using the products more optimally, by changing at the right time and by changing to the right products. This is not even including the reduction in leakages we see from TENA Identifi, which leads to reduced changes of linens and laundry costs.
We’re happy to reach out to talk about your needs and how TENA can help.
Measurable improvements to care home efficiency and resident well-being.
TENA Solutions is an efficient way of working in partnership with care homes. It aims to find pain points and implement measurable improvements. The offering includes best-practice routines, tools, and trainings.
The goal is to provide long-lasting effects at the care homes.
Well, TENA Solutions improves well-being, essentially, by addressing the pain points identified. One important factor is doing it together with the care home. If doing that, and if improving the care routines, we see less leakages. And less leakages is not only good for the resident but also for the care staff – not having to change linens, not having to clean, etc. And we also know that residents will experience better skin health.
When implementing best care routines it’s easier to know what to do, at the right time. You get that support, but you also see the effect of that support. So if you see that you don’t have to change linens as often, or you don’t need to do as much laundry, you also see that the skincare of the actual residents is improving. That gives you a good feeling; you’re providing additional value.
TENA Solutions improves budget control generally with all the outcomes that we see from the Solutions. But it’s also less leakages, less changing of linens, more efficient work from the caregivers, and more efficient use of products.
TENA Solutions is good for the environment in many ways. Let’s take two examples. Better use of products means that we have less use of absorption, thinner products, less raw material, less transportation, less changes of linens, less laundry, less energy consumption, less use of water. It might look like small contributions here and there, but it actually adds up to something significant.
TENA Solutions, TENA Identifi and TENA SmartCare fit beautifully together. With TENA Solutions you get trainings, tools, and expert advice, to improve the care routines in your nursing home. With TENA Identifi you get an individualized care plan based on specific voiding patterns for specific residents, to further tailor and optimize the toileting routines. With TENA SmartCare you get an easy-to-use and intuitive digital solution that tells the caregiver when to change the product.
Why not book a casual call with us to talk about your needs and how TENA can help?
One of our representatives will be happy to get in touch to discuss your needs.
TENA is a brand of Essity, a leading global hygiene and health company. With over 60 years of experience TENA is the No. 1 adult incontinence brand globally*. We offer a full range of absorbent products, skincare and digital health technology solutions that are tailored to the needs of individuals, their families and healthcare professionals.
With TENA, Essity is at the forefront of developing products and services that help improve dignity and the quality of people’s lives. We strive for sustainable continence care with better care and better products.
*Euromonitor International Limited; Retail Adult Incontinence, all channels, RSP value sales, Tissue & Hygiene, 2020 edition.
Essity is a leading global hygiene and health company. In North America, Essity develops and produces the leading global brands TENA, Tork and BSN medical.
At TENA we offer products and solutions for a wide range of people. Please feel free to visit our other TENA sites.
TENA, a brand of Essity - a global, leading hygiene and health company. Every day, our products, solutions and services are used by a billion people around the world. Our purpose is to break barriers to well-being for the benefit of consumers, patients, caregivers, customers and society. Sales are conducted in approximately 150 countries under the leading global brands TENA and Tork, and other strong brands such as Actimove, Cutimed, JOBST, Knix, Leukoplast, Libero, Libresse, Lotus, Modibodi, Nosotras, Saba, Tempo, TOM Organic and Zewa. In 2023, Essity had net sales of approximately SEK 147bn (EUR 13bn) and employed 36,000 people. The company’s headquarters is located in Stockholm, Sweden and Essity is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. More information at